Sabbatical Leave of Absence


When a professor, associate professor or assistant professor has continuously served the University in one or more of such ranks for at least six years, or the equivalent thereof, the President of the University or her/his designee, may grant him or her a sabbatical leave of absence for one year at half pay or for six months at full pay for the primary purpose of increasing the value of his or her further services to the University. Such leaves are for specific and usually continuous periods.

Because a sabbatical leave implies an individual's further service to the Medical College, it is not granted for the year prior to retirement or termination of an appointment. Only under the most exceptional circumstances may this rule be waived.

Calculating Service

A sabbatical leave of absence may be granted to eligible faculty members after six years of full-time service, or the equivalent, at the Medical College. For example, a part-time salaried faculty member on a half-time appointment will be eligible for a sabbatical leave after twelve years.

Time spent on a leave of absence with or without salary does not count towards time accrued for a sabbatical leave of absence. The counting of service for the next sabbatical leave of absence begins with the end of the previous sabbatical leave.

Postponement of a Sabbatical Leave of Absence

The responsibilities within each department should be distributed so as to permit every professor, associate professor, or assistant professor to have sabbatical leave when it comes due without overburdening the other department members. If, in the opinion of the department chair and the Dean, the requested leave would seriously impair the discharge of the responsibilities of the department, or would impose financial hardship on the department, the faculty member may be required to postpone the sabbatical leave of absence for one year, with the year of postponement to be credited towards eligibility for the next sabbatical leave. In no case shall the period of service between two sabbatical leaves be reduced by more than eighteen (18) months because of such postponements. Such arrangements must be stipulated in writing and have the approval of the President of the University.

A faculty member eligible for a sabbatical leave of absence who is being considered for tenure may request the postponement of the leave. In such cases, the request for postponement for up to one year is automatically credited towards the subsequent sabbatical.

Provisions of a Sabbatical Leave of Absence

Salary and Benefits

General Conditions 

The financial support for a sabbatical leave of absence is drawn from the  sabbatical fund in the Medical College's fringe benefit pool; these payments cover only base salary. Individuals receiving Medical College compensation other than base salary should consult their departments about continuation of compensation other than base salary during sabbatical leave.

If the individual's salary is normally derived partially or entirely from extramural sources, arrangements must be made about how and whether those funds from extramural sources can be expended during the leave. 

Faculty members may not receive more salary from the University during sabbatical leave than they would ordinarily receive for full-time service.

While on sabbatical leave, the faculty member may receive remuneration from outside sources in addition to the compensation received from the Medical College. In no case, however, will a sabbatical leave be granted primarily in order to augment one's income.

Depending on the individual's source(s) of salary support, it may be feasible for the faculty member to request a six-month sabbatical leave of absence at full salary in conjunction with a six-month leave of absence with or without salary. Faculty members should carefully consider how the arrangement would affect income tax rates, benefits, extramural funding, etc.

A faculty member who is awarded a sabbatical leave has an obligation either to return to the University for at least a year after the leave or to return the salary and benefits paid by the University during the leave.

Six-Month Sabbatical Leave of Absence

Individuals on sabbatical leaves of absence for six months continue to receive their base salary and benefits. Within the academic appointment year, twenty four (24) days of vacation are allowed in addition to the leave.

Twelve-Month Sabbatical Leave of Absence

Individuals on sabbatical leaves of absence for twelve months receive half their base salary and their full medical, dental and business travel accident insurance benefits. They also remain eligible for the Cornell Children's Tuition Scholarship Program. Annual vacation time is used in a twelve-month sabbatical leave of absence.

Some benefits will be affected by the reduction in salary during the twelve-month leave. For example, the level of life insurance coverage will be recalculated on the basis of the individual's base salary received while on sabbatical leave of absence. The Medical College's contribution to  the retirement plan will also decrease for the period of the sabbatical leave, though the percentage of salary contributed will remain consistent with the plan.

In order to know fully the possible ramifications of the decrease in salary while on a twelve-month sabbatical leave of absence, faculty members should review all coverages with the HR Solutions Center [(646) 962-9247]. 

Extramural Support 

When contemplating a sabbatical leave of absence, academic staff members who are the recipients of extramural funding should consult with their program officer or other appropriate representative of the funding agency. It is the individual's responsibility to comply with the agency's policies and procedures and to obtain any necessary approvals for the sabbatical leave and for realloca­tions of salary support. Assistance is available from the Office of Sponsored Research Administration [(646) 962-8290].

Term of Appointment 

Sabbatical leaves of absence do not automatically extend the term of an academic appointment. Policies and procedures concerning terms of appointment may be found in Appointment and Promotion of Faculty, as an item in the subsections on Faculty Appointments and Terms of Appointment.

Probationary Period for Tenure Review  

If the faculty member requesting the sabbatical leave of absence is eligible for tenure review, there should be a preliminary written understanding between the department chairand the faculty member whether the time on sabbatical leave will be counted towards the probationary period for tenure review. This understanding should be included with the documenta­tion submitted in support of the request for a sabbatical leave of absence and requires the Dean's approval. (For further information, see Probationary Period for Tenure Review.) 

Adjustment of Time in Rank 

If a faculty member requesting a sabbatical leave wishes to request that the time in rank be tolled for the period of the leave and the chair agrees, the faculty member should make such a request to the chair. This request with the chair's written approval should be included with the documents submitted in support of the request for a sabbatical leave of absence and requires the Dean's approval.


The status of the faculty member while on sabbatical leave shall not exclude such member from the privilege of continuing to serve on any faculty committee when so requested by the committee or from performing an ongoing administrative assignment, nor preclude such member from exercising the right to vote at a meeting of the faculty, nor prevent the normal use of library.

Application Process

Authority for granting a sabbatical leave of absence rests with the President of the University or her/his designee, upon the recommendation of the department chair and the approval of the Dean of the Medical College. The following materials are required in support of the recommendation:

  1. A detailed description of 1) the faculty member's proposed activities and their benefit to the individual's professional development and to the Medical College; 2) the exact dates of the sabbatical leave, specifying whether it is six months at full salary or twelve months at half salary; 3) arrangements for the reallocation of the individual's extramural support during the leave; and 4) the academic duties which will need to be covered while the individual is on leave. This description may be in the form of a letter from the faculty member to the department chair. If applicable, it may also include a request for an extension of the term in rank or of the probationary period for tenure review. Copies of all supporting materials, e.g., fellowship awards, contracts, acknowledgments from extramural funding agencies, etc., should be attached to the description.

  2. Letter of recommendation from the department chair in support of the proposed sabbatical leave of absence. (This may be the faculty member's letter countersigned by the department chair.)

These materials must be forwarded to the Office of Faculty Affairs at least one (1) year preceding the time during which the sabbatical leave is requested.1

Once the leave is authorized, the faculty member and department chair will receive notification of approval from the Office of Faculty Affairs. It is then the responsibility of the department chair to submit the necessary forms to the Human Resources Department. No payroll authorization can be honored until the sabbatical leave of absence has been authorized.  A permanent record of all applica­tions and actions thereon shall be kept in the Office of Faculty Affairs.

  • 1. Approved by the Executive Faculty Council on June 17, 1975 (Minutes, pp. 7333-7334).

Office of Faculty Affairs
575 Lexington Ave., Suite 640
New York, NY 10022
Phone: (646) 962-8770
Fax: (646) 962-0685

Office of Faculty Development
Lasdon House
420 E. 70th St., 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10021
Phone: (646) 962-5737