Non-Faculty Appointments

The non-faculty academic staff of Weill Cornell Medicine (WCM) is composed of assistants, fellows, associates, senior associates, affiliate physicians and senior affiliate physicians.As members of the academic staff, they contribute to WCM educational, investigative and/or clinical programs, but are not appropriate for faculty appointment. Non-faculty academic staff members may be full-time salaried, part-time salaried or non-salaried by WCM or an affiliated institution.

Among non-faculty academic staff, postdoctoral trainees are eligible for the title of Postdoctoral Associate, Fellow or Visiting Fellow. A postdoctoral trainee is an individual with a terminal degree (Ph.D., M.D., D.V.M. or equivalent) appointed to develop the ability to reason in a scientific manner, formulate hypotheses independently and perform independent research (including basic, clinical, translational or behavioral research). An individual engaged in research activities for one – two years as part of a clinical training program is not considered to be a postdoctoral trainee, unless the program is designed to develop the ability to perform independent research. A postdoctoral trainee must have no clinical or professional responsibilities that interfere with research training. While research training is the principle activity of postdoctoral trainees, they may elect to participate in teaching activities including, but not limited to, lecturing, moderating small group conferences or mentoring junior scientists. Postdoctoral trainees are expected to publish the results of their research.

Recommendations for appointment or promotion to the WCM non-faculty academic staff generally originate within a department, and require the written approval of a department chair. When appropriate, however, a recommendation may originate in a division, affiliate department, institute or center, and then be reviewed by a department chair or appropriate director for approval. A department’s recommendation is submitted to the Dean through the Office of Faculty Affairs for review and approval.

Office of Faculty Affairs
575 Lexington Ave., Suite 640
New York, NY 10022
Phone: (646) 962-8770
Fax: (646) 962-0685

Office of Faculty Development
Lasdon House
420 E. 70th St., 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10021
Phone: (646) 962-5737