Differentiated Titles


Differentiated titles include information about the individual's area of expertise or primary appointment, in addition to indicating rank, pathway and department. Differentiated titles should be used in the following cases:

  • When the individual holds a terminal degree in the basic sciences but holds an appointment in a clinical department1, e.g., Associate Professor of Immunology Research in Medicine, or Assistant Professor of Biochemistry in Surgery.
  • When the individual holds a terminal degree and primary appointment in one department but holds a joint appointment in another department, e.g., Professor of Psychiatry in Pediatrics.

Policies and Procedures

The policies and procedures pertaining to appointment and promotion of and award of tenure to faculty members with differentiated titles are the same as those already given above in the subsections on the different faculty ranks and pathways, and in Tenure.

The recommendation to appoint or promote an individual with a differentiated title should have the written approval of the chair of the primary department, if in conjunction with a joint appointment, or the department at the Medical College which provides instruction in the individual's area of expertise.1,2

  • 1. a. b. As approved by the Executive Faculty on March 21, 1972 (Minutes, p. 6521)
  • 2. For example, the approval of the chair of the Department of Radiology should be obtained when recommending the appointment or promotion of an individual to Assistant Professor of Radiology in Obstetrics and Gynecology. The approval of the chair of the Department of Pharmacology should be obtained when recommending the appointment or promotion of an individual to Professor of Pharmacology Research in Psychiatry.

Office of Faculty Affairs
575 Lexington Ave., Suite 640
New York, NY 10022
Phone: (646) 962-8770
Fax: (646) 962-0685
Email: facultyaffairs@med.cornell.edu

Office of Faculty Development
Lasdon House
420 E. 70th St., 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10021
Phone: (646) 962-5737
Email: facultydevelopment@med.cornell.edu